Click on any of the pictures to enlarge them to their original size. Photoalbum.cgi page generator script v2-4-07 (c) 2007 by David Porter.
June 2008
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April & May
Some pix in this folder seem to have turned out to be from May, but I'm not sure since my computer died, plus we got a new camera memory chip. In any case, here are two in starring roles.
Here's Jack at about a week, hanging on the couch.
Nattie tries some bottle feeding as a supplement to breast feeding. Jack's appetite and weight gain are impressive.
Floor time.
This was Jack's about 2nd or 3rd trip in a car seat. As usual, he fell asleep (he loves riding in the car).
We took this to capture his "round" baby face.
Natalie got some Lincoln Logs after our trip to San Diego, she loves them and builds houses and corrals for her plastic animals. She likes to rhyme so she also calls them Dinkin Dogs.
In Daddy's shoes getting ready for work.
She is getting good at all her letters and is getting a start on spelling things. This was an early success.
Comparison shot--about 2.75 years apart.
With wild abandon she dances Hawaiian style.
A sweet picture of Jack going for his first "baby bjorn" ride around the house.
Big sister, little brother.
Jack is nearly a month old in this picture. He is much less infant-looking, and looks like a real little boy. He is much more perceptive & observant. We think he can see about 4 feet away now.
Full moon over the bay.
Here is is sitting up in the crack of the sectional couch.
A nice nap outside in the fresh air. This seems to agree with Jack quite a bit--he sleeps soundly there, and we think he may like the sounds of birds and waves.
12 lbs. 15 oz, or maybe more like 12 oz. give he has some clothes on, as of one month old.
Jack and Nat. We're going to rename our boat, the "Sara" was sold, the new one is called "Natajack." Please send an E-mail if you have any comments or corrections, or know something we don't!