Click on any of the pictures to enlarge them to their original size. Photoalbum.cgi page generator script v2-4-07 (c) 2007 by David Porter.
December 07 thru January 2008
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January thru March 2009
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Natalie is acting like Mia the Cat, who likes to sit inside of small spaces like this basket, as well.
They have this great wooden old fashioned carousel over at the Zoo. Since we are members, it's free to get it, and Natalie really loves picking her horse and riding on it.
This is Natalie with her friend Daisy, at the Pageant her school hosted at Christmas-time. You can see Natalie's nice Christmas dress
Here she is walking down the aisle, carrying a can of for the food donation.
This time we made some sugar cookies, this is one of Natalie's favorite activities since she gets to help so much and mess around mixing things up in the kitchen.
This is one of Natalie's presents (sorry we don't have a better collection of Christmas snapshots!). Mia likes to sleep in the soft chair meant for kids.
We went for a ferryboat ride, Natalie's first. It goes to Vashon Island (shows in the background).
She had a terrific time, although there was some car riding and sitting waiting for the ferry. It was a bigger ferry than the usual "Rhododendon" which is small and 90 years old.
Natalie and her mom at Point Robinson lighthouse. This lighthouse is northwest from us, about 6 or 8 miles away. It's a beautiful setting and yes they rent out the light house keeper's cottage.
The purpose for this picture is to show Natalie's nice school outfit.
Another fun activity--water color painting. Please send an E-mail if you have any comments or corrections, or know something we don't!