Click on any of the pictures to enlarge them to their original size. Photoalbum.cgi page generator script v2-4-07 (c) 2007 by David Porter.

January thru March 2009
3 months worth!

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January thru March 2009
April & May

January 1, News Years day! Dad and Natalie went to the zoo and a ride on the carousel they have there.

Tub friends.

Natalie and her school friend Mekayla went to "Chuck E Cheese" a kids oriented pizza place with games and rides.

Just out of the bath for both Porter kids.

You can see Natalie in the front row, about mid way. She is a bit shy about being in these public type presentations. This was the "Christmas pageant" postponed into January because of snow.

A bit of sun in a generally grey period for the northwest. January 18th.

Jack in the tub decorated with some plastic letters.

You can see how Jack is getting very good at hanging onto things while standing and moving around. This is phase "A" of his training program for walking.

Jack D. Porter, January 31, 2009 (a little more than 8 months old).

Videos! About 5-7 MB apiece. Video 1. Video 2. Video 3.

More standing-up practice.

This is Natalie's collection of her "kids" as she calls them, which requires a lot of setting up for tea parties, birthdays, getting ready for bed, etc.

20 little piggies, both the large and small size.

Natalie and Jack on March 6th

A trip to the beach! It takes a lot of attention to keep Jack from putting rocks in his mouth, but he is learning.

He likes to crawl in the gravel.

A stormy threatening cloud off to the east. Click here to see the large-size full-resolution version suitable for your laptop background.

Three-quarters of the family, if you don't count pets.

Jack and Natalie are becoming good playmates.

March 28th, Jack is standing and balancing well--next step will be steps!

Please send an E-mail if you have any comments or corrections, or know something we don't!